The Stonewall Inn Launches Crowdfunding Effort To Save Historic Bar

New York's historic Stonewall Inn, a cornerstone of the LGBTQ+ rights movement, is asking the public for help during this pandemic. The Greenwich village bar has launched two crowdfunding campaigns to help stay afloat. A portion of the proceeds will be used to keep the lights on and the rest of the funds will be used to help workers at the bar to survive during this pandemic. The bar was the site of the 1969 riots where LGBTQ+ patrons squared off with police and essentially began the tradition that would come to be known as pride celebrations around the globe. The bar has been named a historic landmark. That being said, organizers are still coming together to get through this tough time.

Read the bar's statement below:

“As you may be aware, The Stonewall Inn is the first national gay historic landmark and the birthplace of the modern-day LGBTQ rights movement. We celebrate and pay homage to those individuals who first stood up for gay rights and sparked the Stonewall Riots. Those brave souls who first stood up for their rights and the rights of others, triggered a global movement that continues to be celebrated world-wide via gay pride celebrations and parades.

“We worked diligently to resurrect it as a safe space for the community and to keep the Stonewall Inn at the epicenter of the fight for the LGBTQ+ rights movement. It has been a community tavern, but also a vehicle to continue the fight that started there in 1969. Stonewall is the place the community gathers for celebrations, comes to grieve in times of tragedy, and rally to continue the fight for full global equality.”

The campaign to help support the Stonewall Inn’s staff reads, “Everything that the Stonewall Inn is today is due to the tireless effort of our incredible staff. From the managers and bartenders to the barbacks and porters, our staff is the backbone of this institution of living history.”

CLICK HERE to support the bar

CLICK HERE to support the staff

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