"Was it a he or a she first?"
Those are the words spoken by Big Brother contestant Jason Dent when the conversation turned to talking about former transgender Big Brother contestant Audrey Middleton. "It was a dude dressed up as a girl," responds contestant Cody Dickson, ignorantly describing Audrey's state of transition.
Jason was surrounded at the Big Brother hot tub by Jessica Graf, Cody and Matthew Clines. While Jessica tried to steer the conversation away from the offensive line of Jason's questioning, Cody and Matt joined in the chuckles over "what" Audrey was.
In a truly disgusting display of transphobia, this season's houseguests yet again show their opinions towards members of the LGBTQ community. Earlier this season, former Marine Cody, made "tranny" comments that Jessica tried to quell.
How long will this kind of talk continue before Big Brother producers step in?
Sure, the show is meant to be cast with controversial personalities and CBS certainly runs disclaimers to distance themselves from the comments of the contestants, but this should be used as an opportunity to educate. To Jessica's credit, she can be heard trying to alert her housemates that this conversation is inappropriate, but it's more from a place of concern for how they'll look rather than actually saying the right thing and standing up for transgender people.
Maybe it's more 'transignorance' than 'transphobia', however, for many these terms are interchangeable.