Photo: Getty Images North America
As the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade was about to get underway Saturday night around 7pm, a white pickup truck drove into people that were staging for the parade running over two men, killing one and severely injuring the other.
Fort Lauderdale Police took the driver into custody, who was wearing a Ft. Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus Shirt, was being questioned. Witnesses on the scene state that the truck was lined up with other parade participants when it suddenly accelerated.
The president of the Ft. Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus, Justin Knight, said in a statement: "Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the tragic accident that occurred when the Stonewall Pride Parade was just getting started. Our fellow Chorus members were those injured and the driver was also a part of the Chorus family. To my knowledge, this was not an attack on the LGBTQ community. We anticipate more details to follow and ask for the community’s love and support.”
Victims were taken to Broward Health Medical Center where one of the victims died. Ft. Lauderdale Police Detective Ali Adamson said the other victim is expected to survive.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz was in a convertible in front of the truck and was missed 'by inches' according to witnesses. The FBI is joining the investigation.