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An NFL coach for the Jacksonville Jaguars, Kevin Maxen, has come out publicly as the first gay male coach in any major American men’s pro sport. Speaking to Outsports, he said he wants “to be vocal in support of people living how they want to live”.
The Motion Picture Association is under fire for delivering an NC-17 rating for an upcoming gay love story film named “Passages”. The director is denouncing the rating calling it “dangerous”. The film’s distributor said the rating was “unexpected”. None of the nude scenes in the film are gratuitous according to the studio, and they said the film will release unrated on August 4. This comes after the MPA gave an R Rating to the Amazon Studios film “Red, White and Royal Blue” which also centers on a gay love story, and is also no more gratuitous than straight-based films that get PG-13 ratings.
A federal judge has temporarily blocked an Arizona law that banned transgender girls from participating in girls’ sports in the state, saying the law is likely to be found unconstitutional. The state superintendent said they plan to appeal.