Photo: seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Moment / Getty Images
Starting with this school year, Florida’s Orange County School System has said that because of new laws, transgender teachers are not allowed to use their own preferred pronouns in school. The guidance says that trans teachers must use pronouns and titles that correspond to their biological sex at birth. A trans woman teacher must go by ‘he/him’ and be referred to as “Mr.” in the classroom. The rules also say trans teachers must use the bathroom which corresponds to their biological sex .
Last Thursday, the American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirmed support for gender-affirming care for trans children by unanimous vote. The board represents 67,000 pediatricians nationwide.
And the entire staff at a Cinnabon store in Los Angeles walked out last Friday because their employer banned all Pride decorations. The employees have filed a civil rights complaint against the employer, a Cinnabon franchisee who owns 16 locations.