Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP / Getty Images
You may remember the name Kim Davis. She is the former Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses after it became legal nationwide, based on her belief that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. A federal judge has ruled that she must now pay over $260,000 in attorney’s fees to the couple that successfully sued her.
Police have made arrests in the beating of two women in Miami. The whole incident was caught on camera in November and police have charged two men with hate crimes. The victims, a lesbian and trans woman, were both punched and pushed. One may require surgery for her injuries. If convicted, the men could face 15 years in prison.
Former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey, who came out as gay in 2004 by announcing he had an extramarital affair with a gay male staffer and resigned shortly after, has announced he is seeking to get back into politics, running for mayor of Jersey City.